Bruce Von Stiers
In the continuing saga of the Gasaraki, there is yet another volume of this tale from ADV Films. This one I just viewed is Volume 5 and is titled Revelations. It delves into the history of the Gasaraki and the Gowa family.
There are three episodes of the Gasraki saga on this DVD disc. They are Companions, The Threshold and Karma. The three episodes combined run a little less than 90 minutes.
The DVD has such things as an interview with the Art Director of the Gasaraki
series and a few ADV Films previews. There is a Behind the Scenes look at what
happens with the Automatic Dialog Replacement or ADR. You can choose either
English or Japanese language with or without subtitles. And you can also choose
the individual scenes from any episode to view.
In the first episode, Companions, Yushiro and Miharu are still trying to find out why they are Kai and how every chaotic thing that is happening in their world is a direct result of their history. There is also a secret military meeting going on to discuss the overthrow of the Japanese government.
The story goes back and forth as Yushiro’s little sister gets a lesson on the life of the family from her father. Who was the real Yushiro and why has a Kai taken his place?
The second episode is called The Threshold. Here Miharu and Yushiro seek out a house that may hold some of the answers to their quest. Yushiro’s old master finds them and gives the two Kai an extensive history lesson.
We find that that Wantanbe clan wants to rule Japan. They will not let anything stand in their way.
The third episode,
Karma, continues on and gives us more information about the history of the Wantanabe
clan the Gawa’s and the two Kai. A confrontation brings down the wrath
of the Gods.
If you hadn’t seen the previous episodes of the Gasaraki saga, Revelations will be a little confusing. There isn’t any backtracking to give you a synopsis of the series. You kind of get a feel for what’s going on, but the earlier episodes really need to be viewed before watching these.
Revelations continues with the great graphics, eerie plot and good dubbing that match the earlier discs in this series.
The entire eight episodes of the Gasaraki series are available in a single box set. Look for it at your local retailer for about $ 99 U.S. Or you can just buy this one disc. But I would recommend watching the previous episodes first.
Check out more information about Gasaraki at the ADV Films web site at
© 2002 Bruce E. Von Stiers