Casey's Drum Dilemma

Bruce Von Stiers

There are times when horror films need a big build up to get to the juicy, scary parts. Other times, a film can interject a thing here and there that lead to a horrific finale.

One such film that falls into the latter category is Drums. It is a short film, about five and a half minutes in length.

It seems that Casey has just moved into a new apartment. But all is not well with the new place. There is an electronic drum set in the second bedroom of the apartment. As Casey is ready to turn in for the night, the drums seem to be playing by themselves.

Casey tries to get the person who was supposed to remove the drum set to get it out of there. But he says it will have to wait until morning.

Casey learns a terrible secret about the drum set from a friend. It is that secret that proves to be a pivotal point in the story. And it is that secret that provides a true horror ending to the film.

Drums was written, directed, edited and produced by Miroslav Petkov. He's appeared in several films and has acted in a few short films and a feature film. This is his debut as a horror film director.

Simona Rose is Casey. She previously appeared in an episode of Sunny Beach.

Drums was filmed in just a few rooms in an apartment. The only scene not in the apartment is when Casey is talking on the phone, trying to convince the guy to come pick up the drum set. Rudy Ledbetter is the guy on the phone. He has appeared in over fifty films and has produced over a dozen films.

Kate Ray does the voice of Ashley, Casey's friend who reveals the secret of the drum set. Per IMDB, Drums is her only film credit.

Stephen Kreil, Sherry McCrutcheon, Karis Maree and Alain Marche are listed as producers for the film alongside Petkov. The music in the film was composed by Alberto Masoni.

Drums is an interesting film in that it is part mystery and part horror story. There seems to be a supernatural element at play as well. The cinematography was pretty solid and the acting well done. There's a gotcha moment at the end that wasn't totally unexpected, but used for maximum effect.

Drums has been submitted to several film festivals. It doesn't have an official, public release date yet.

Petkov's production company, Enigma Movie Productions, has a YouTube page, . Drums should be available to view on that page later.

At this time, there aren't any social media pages for the film. But you can check out information on the cast and crew on it's IMDB page at

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