A Revealing Bigfoot Film

Bruce Von Stiers

Whenever the subject of Bigfoot is brought up, there are a myriad of thoughts, opinions, and ideas of what, or who, this phenomenon is. From observations from a couple of centuries ago until today, there have been no shortage of theories about Bigfoot. Is Bigfoot an animal, some kind of hybrid being, an alien life force or something entirely different? Is there a single Bigfoot or a whole nation, tribe or troop of them? Nobody seems to have a definite answer. Known by many names, including Rugaru, native Americans believed that the appearance of a Bigfoot served as a warning for imminent danger approaching. The Western Air Defense Sector, based in the state of Washington, has even designated Bigfoot as its mascot using this notion of advance warning.

Now there is a documentary that deals with the Bigfoot controversy. It is titled A Flash of Beauty: Bigfoot Revealed. It was directed by Brett Eichenberger. He also co-wrote the screenplay for the film, along with Jill Remensnyder. Eichenberger has directed such films as Pretty Broken and By God's Grace along with doing camera work on shows like Frontline. Remensnyder served as writer and producer for Pretty Broken and Light of Mine and several other films. The film is from Resonance Productions, which is Eichenberger and Remensyder's production company.

“The time will come when diligent research over long periods will bring things to light which now lie hidden.” This quote from philosopher and playwright Lucious Anneaus Seneca serves as an introduction to the film.

The film begins with snippets of interviews with people who purportedly have seen a Bigfoot. One person refers to “a flash of beauty and they are gone”. Hence the title of the film.

The first interview is with Mel Skahan, a member of the Yakama tribe. He tells of summer forays in the forests and mountains with his great-great grandfather. The children would be taught to hunt and learned stories and lore of not only the land and its people, but Bigfoot as well. Then there is Stan Avery who is known as a Bigfoot consultant. He talks how his wife grew up next to an Indian reservation and sightings of Bigfoot were commonplace there. He is also the person with the flash of beauty quote.

Marcia Moore is an anthropological artist. She is interviewed as well, talking about various histories and past cultures that embraced the concept of a Bigfoot. Other people interviewed included wildlife conservationist Henry Franzoni. A book that he mentions is then discussed, along with snippets from that book.

Headlines abound from newspapers all over about the sightings and run-ins with creatures that are purported to be a Bigfoot. Many of these headlines are superimposed on a forest background. This is done, I guess, to show the width and breadth of supposed interactions, and sightings, of Bigfoot creatures.

An anthropology professor and a Bigfoot researcher are interviewed. Both have interesting things to say. There are drawings and footprints that some say are proof of the existence of these creatures. Then there are two guys who had been filming stuff in the woods for their YouTube channel. They think they saw a Bigfoot. They go on to describe the circumstances and their observations.

The film takes the audience through a whole bunch more interviews with people. Sprinkled among the interviews is information purported to be accurate regarding footprint castings, creatures caught on film and other items.

One thing that I didn't even know existed is at a museum in Willow Creek, California. This museum, the Willow Creek – China Flat Museum, has an entire Bigfoot collection. Of course, the museum is in what is considered to the heart of the Bigfoot capital of the world.

Being a cynic and skeptic at heart, I am not really sold on the idea that there are actually things like Bigfoot out there. But the people interviewed seem to really believe what they were saying. There was none of this wink, wink, we are only pulling your leg kind of thing. The interviews and information provided in the film does seem to provide a compelling argument for the existence of Bigfoot. But you will just have to watch the film and draw your own conclusions.

You can watch A Flash of Beauty: Bigfoot Revealed for free on the Tubi and Crackle streaming services. Or you can rent or buy the film from Amazon Prime.

There is a web site for the film that you can check out. That site is https://www.bigfootdoc.com/

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